Server Info

Revision as of 06:07, 8 May 2024 by ROOO (talk | contribs)

Rates items

The exact rates ? I can't give you an answer yet. However, I can give you rate ranges that i like to give you an idea. (We need to do multiple tests before)

  • CARD: 0.10 ~ 0.15% (every 12 hours, a +50% drop card bonus is given on 15 random maps) (salamander / gemini / sword guardian are like normal card)
  • Equipment: 0.20 ~ 0.35% ( bow thimble, Lord cloth, small ribbon, orlean glove, etc...)
  • Use/Etc item rates: 1 ~ 3 (jellopy, white herb, fabric, heart of mermaid, brigan etc...) (Let's not forget that we drop items per stack, and stealing also allows stealing per stack, making it easier to farm acid, EDP, potions than on any other server, even if their rates are 150.
  • MVP drop: max chance: 20% ~ 35% ( Drobe, Variant shoes, Valk armor, Cardo, etc...)
  • MVP drop: minimum chance: 6% ( Immaterial sword, Wrench, War axe, Holy robe , Flame Sprits Armor, etc ...) (Exception for ice pick on RSX and Lord of Death with a custom rate)
  • MVP card: 0,01 ( included Angeling , Ghostring , Deviling)

Quality of Life

  • Endow NPCs, requires materials
  • Bless and agi scrolls, available for zeny
  • Light beam effect for card drops
  • Hypnotist NPC for skill reset up to base level 40
  • Custom NPC for skill reset as second class (returns player to job 25)